How to stream a Pre-Recorded Video before a Trivia Game?

Written by Alex
Updated 2 years ago

If you want to stream a pre-recorded video right before the beginning of your Trivia Game, take the following steps: 

1. Setup your Pre-recorded Video layer. Check out how to do it in more detail

Trivia project add video layer

2. Click Scenes

Trivia project scenes selection

3. Click on Plus Icon to add a new Scene with Trivia Game. Check out how to set up a Trivia Game.

Optional: If you want to switch from a pre-recorded video to a Trivia Game manually, activate AutoSync Mode. Once you're ready to make a switch, just click on a Trivia Game scene, and it will be synchronized with live right away. 

Note: If you make any changes within a scene (f.e. dragging or removing layers) while AutoSync Mode is active, all the changes will be SYNCed and visible to your audience right away.

Trivia project add new scene

Trivia project add game layer

4. Press on the first Scene with a Pre-recorded Video > select Video layer on the right sidebar.

Trivia project select pre-recorded layer

5. At the right bottom corner, select to switch to Trivia Game Scene after a pre-recorded video. 

Press Go Live button when you're ready to launch your stream. With these settings, once your video finishes, the Trivia Game will start playing automatically.

Trivia project set scene autoswitch

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