How to add a Trivia game in the middle of the live streaming?

Written by Alex
Updated 2 years ago

There are cases when you don't want to show the trivia game right at the beginning of live streaming. In order to show the trivia game later, you can do the following steps:

1. Setup your Web Camera Layer (Make sure that the microphone is connected).

Trivia game add webcam layer

2. Once connected, click Scenes at the bottom of the page 

Trivia game scene selection

3. Click on Plus Icon to add a new Scene.

Trivia game add new scene

4. Add another Scene with a Trivia Game (add questions, customize, etc.). Check out how to set up a Trivia Game

Add Trivia game layer

5. Make a tick on AutoSync Mode and click Go Live.

Note: If you make any changes within a scene (f.e. dragging or removing layers) while AutoSync Mode is active, all the changes will be SYNCed and visible to your audience right away.
If you don't want to synchronize any changes automatically, you can do it manually by clicking Sync with Live button instead. 

Trivia game go live

6. Your video from a Web Cam is live.

Note: When the stream is live, you'll see a Red dot in the corner of the scene, which is currently synchronized and displayed in your stream.  

Trivia project active webcam scene

7. Once you're ready to switch from a Web Cam to your Trivia Game, just click on a Scene with Trivia, and it will be synchronized with live right away.

Once you're ready to switch back to an actual live, click on a first scene with an actual live.

Trivia project active game layer

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