Video Compression/Encoding Tutorial

Written by Alex
Updated 2 weeks ago

To ensure your video streams properly, it must meet the requirements of the platform you are streaming to. In most cases, LiveReacting can encode your video for you. However, if it cannot, or if you want to compress your video to stay within your plan's limit, you can compress or encode it yourself.

Encode you've video file using Handbrake

Here is step by step guide how to do it:

  1. Install Handbrake by choosing the version for your operating system from
  2. Open your video file in HandbrakeHandBrake open source
  3. Select Format MP4 fileHandBrake file format
  4. Also, make sure to activate the Web Optimized option.
  5. For Video Codec choose H.264 (x264)HandBrake video encoder
  6. Enter an Average Bitrate (kbps) for the video to be 4,000Handbrake average bitrate
  7. Hit the Start button and wait until the video has finished encodingHandBrake start
  8. Handbrake will let you know when it has finished. Now you can take encoded file and upload it on our site.
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