How to stream a video queue

Written by Alex
Updated 2 years ago

This feature is especially handy when you have multiple video files, which need to play one after another (as a live stream, of course 😉).

That's how you create a video queue: 

1. In your Project, create multiple scenes and upload a video in each scene. Then select the first scene (it will be highlighted in green) and click on a Video layer on the right sidebar.

Project video layer

2. Select which scene you want to play, once a video in the current scene ends playing. In our case, we selected Scene 2.

Switch to scene 2

3. Now, we select Scene 2 (highlighted in green) > Video Layer > Select which scene you want to play, once this scene ends playing. We've selected Scene 3.

Switch to scene 3

4. Keep on going until all your scenes are set in desired order and click Gear Icon at the top panel.

Switch to scene 4

5. Connect your Facebook or Youtube page > enter Title & Description & Duration of the stream > Save.

Project select account

6. Click Go Live to launch your stream.

Videos in the stream will play one after another automatically, so you don't need to switch them manually.

Project go live

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