How to create a Closest Guess Game?

Create and stream interactive game within minutes.
Written by Alex
Updated 10 months ago

1. Login into your LiveReacting account and open Studio. If you don't have an account you can create a new free one on the signup page.

2. Select one of the Closest Game templates in the templates list or create a new project, add New Layer and select Closest Game.

Add Closest Guess game template

3. To start editing your game, click on it to open settings in the right sidebar. Here we have multiple config options to customize your game.

4. Click Questions Configurations to add or edit your questions. If you are not satisfied with prefilled questions, you can click on the "Generate new questions" button to get a new set of random questions. Of course, you can fill all the questions and answers manually, by any topic you want.

Closest guess game questions configuration

5. Click Game Appearance Config to set Titles, subtitles, logos, colors, backgrounds, timing per round, and other settings. You can set up a different configuration for every game screen.

Closest Guess Game appearance configuration

6. For a preview of all of your visual settings for each screen, you need to click on the top right corner of the trivia game element in the editor. You can see the "Start screen," "Round screen," "Round results," and "Game result."

Closest Guess Game preview in Studio

7. You can also stream Closest Game with a host. Just drag the game layer slightly to the side, create New Layer > Video and connect your Camera.

Closest Guess Game add web camera layer

Closest Guess Game with webcam

8. Once you finished all your settings, connect your Facebook, Youtube or Twitch page, set titles & description and duration. Scroll down and click Save

*You can select a date & time to schedule an automatic launch for later too.

Closest Guess Game add profile

9. Once you're done, you can click on the Go Live button. 

Closest Guess Game go live button

If you want to publish this game or any other interactive games to FB personal profile, make sure that your stream is publicly available. Otherwise, we won't be able to pull comments and handle results properly. 

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