How Closest Guess Game works?

Get to know the mechanics of this game for live streaming.
Written by Alex
Updated 2 years ago

1. We identify a user's answer by numbers ONLY.

2. Let say you have a question: In which year was John F. Kennedy assassinated? The correct answer is 1963.

3. Users type their suggestions in a comment section, and their answer, name and profile photo is displayed inside of the game.

4. LiveReacting calculates the answers automatically and displays the results after each round. 

5. As closer user's comment to the correct answer, the more they score. If multiple users answer correctly, the one who was faster scores more. 

At the end of the game, users will see the final leaderboard with the winner.

Closest Guess Game work process

How do we distribute the scores?

  • LR distributes scores from 50 to 1, taking into account how close user's answer to correct one + speed of providing the answer. 
  • Additionally, LR gives 20 points to user who provided correct answer.

    If the round consists of 10 answers (50 points/10 answers = 5 points)

    which means every next user scores 5 points less:
    1st User: 50 points
    2nd User: 45 points
    3rd User: 40 points 

    If the round consists of 50 answers (50 points/50 answers = 1 point)

    which means every next user scores 1 point less:
    1st User: 50 points
    2nd User: 49 points
    3rd User: 48 points 

    If a user comments multiple times in one round, only the 1st comment will be taken into account.

    Additionally, we take into account the speed of providing answers:

    The total duration of one round is split into 10 intervals.

    📌 If the answer is given within the 1st interval:
    The previously formed number of points is multiplied by 1.4

    📌 If the answer is given within the 2nd interval:
    The previously formed number of points is multiplied by 1.36

    📌 If the answer is given within the 3rd interval:
    The previously formed number of points is multiplied by 1.32

    and so on.

    Acceptable options to comment:

    "I think 135"
    "135 meters"
    "hmmm 135"

    Not acceptable options of comment:

    "135 134 130" (in this case, we'll consider only 135)

    The game is fully customizable. You can brand it with your questions/answers, graphics, logo, music etc. You can also stream a pre-recorded video on the background or connect your web camera.
    💡If you have a brand, you can launch such game to create awareness of your product/service and engage more potential customers. Some ideas what questions you can enter in this game:
    • Which year was 'Brand X' established?
    • How many stores in USA do we have?
    • How old is our 'Product X'?
    • How many limited products do we offer today?
    • How old was CEO X when they found our company? 

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